It has come down to the last moments before the country finds out who will be the next President, US Senator of Arizona, and down to your most local school board positions. ASA has been in every single moment, working hard tirelessly, to ensure students and people of color’s voices are heard. 

As with every 4 years, voting is not the final solution to change, it is only the beginning. In order to create concrete change after these elections, citizens have to mobilize based on issues they care about. This is a responsibility that every single citizen should take upon if we want the next four years to be better. If you truly care about the rising costs of higher education, student debt, climate change, voting rights, join ASA and we will mentor you on how to write policy, how to lobby for policy, and move bills. Getting involved means more than just voting.

The first step you can take is by joining ASA and the rest of the fellows for a retreat in December that will be virtually and in person. During this retreat, ASA will be teaching students how to create policy and introduce the policy for January. The policy includes the following: expanding voter access to students, bills that will lower carbon emissions to save our planet, and more funding for higher education so that we can increase accessibility and affordability.  

All of those issues affect all of us one way or another. ASA is calling all students to give their voices and ideas and elect those who will fight for them to represent those issues at our government. The more people there are, the more voices there are to make sure we are heard loud and clear in our government. 

ASA is asking everyone who got involved this 2020 year in your local and national elections to dig deeper.  Now let's make every student know how to write, follow, and pass a bill, while also keeping our government accountable to the people!


-The Arizona Students’ Association


Register for ASA's Policy Fellowship